Bookings & Treatments
To accommodate social distancing in the workplace, we’re only able to take bookings online
Visits will be by appointment only
No one else can attend your appointment with you, you must turn up alone - No children, guests, etc.
For now, please bring a water bottle. We aren't able to offer refreshments or a waiting area.
No group bookings at this time
Arrival & Timings
Please do not arrive early. 5 minutes before is fine
Do not attend an appointment if you or anyone in your household/bubble has been unwell in the last 2 weeks
Please let us know if you can’t make your appointment. Our cancellation policy may apply
Once your treatment is over please leave promptly to allow us time to clean & sanitise between guests
PPE & Hygiene
Our team will be wearing masks, visors & other PPE
Please observe 'HANDS, FACE SPACE'
Our bathroom facilities are restricted. If required please use those located by the Manor Bar before arriving
We kindly ask you to shower before arriving (e.g. arriving having just exercised)

Personal Care
Please keep personal belongings to a minimum
Phones must not be touched throughout your appointment
For body treatments please wear easy to remove clothing
For pedicure treatments please come & leave wearing flip flops
Please remove all nail polish beforehand treatment. Your appointment may be shortened if we need to remove polish
For Your Information
Due to new ways of working our phone lines won’t always be available
If you need us though don’t worry, we’re still on hand to help
For all queries, we recommend emailing
We thank you for your understanding
Our opening hours haven’t changed. Find them here
Serenity will continue to be cashless
To make things a little easier & safer for everyone, we’ll be asking you to make your payment before your treatment
We’ve committed to extending all vouchers to cover our closure and restrictions
Paper vouchers are no longer sold or accepted
Some vouchers may be extended to cover our closure period- please get in touch